Tarot Cards Meanings - Major Arcana

the sun waite tarot cards
Fortune telling has a big impact on our daily lives and that's why it's important for us to know the tarot cards meanings. Many of us feel lost in this cold and harsh place what we call home, we need guidance answers to questions which are closely related to our lives. When we start to learn about the mysteries of tarot there is a path to choose, one if your lazy you find a local card reader and asks for him to tell you what the cards are telling or the second way when you get involved and become a tarot practitioner your self. And let me tell you this it's way more fun and educational if your doing your own readings then to rely upon somebody else. Maybe you don't have the time to invest in the journey of learning, I can respect that. Further on I will reveal some of the major arcana's tarot cards meanings.

By now you probably know that there are two suits in every deck, there are the cards which are belonging to the major arcana and there are the ones who belong to the minor one. Important thing to know about the major arcana is that it deals with problems which are global and are really important in the person's life. And with the help of the minor arcana cards the major ones can be brought down to earth and easily explained. It's important to know the tarot cards meanings so you can make the right interpretation.

Tarot cards meanings from the major arcana:

The Lovers: The Lovers represent a new angle of life you can also interpret is as a new fresh breath of air. They symbolize love and devotion. If it is associated positively then it means desire, new lover, relationships. On the other hand if it's associated negatively than it means lust, temptation, separation, failed love affair.

The Chariot- The Chariot symbolizes conflict and victory. It also represents unknown forces pulling you forward quickly. If it is associated positively then it means triumph, movement, change, self-belief, assertiveness, and good news. If it is associated negatively then it means associated with rage, tyranny, selfishness, arrogance and frustration.

Temperance- The Temperance card is a card of self-control and abstinence. It represents the ability to handle overwhelming circumstances and emotions. If it is associated positively then it means harmony, health, moderation, compromise, peace, and self-control. If it is associated negatively then it means associated with impatience, quarrels, and domestic strife.

The Sun- The Sun shines down on everything, giving warmth, life and joy. The Sun is the light at the end of the tunnel, the source of all that is wished for. If it is associated positively then it means happiness, greatness, enlightenment, vitality, good health, love, and fulfillment. If it is associated negatively then it means misjudgment, delays, potential failure, and inflated ego.

The World- The World is the end. The arrival of all the desires you hoped for. It is the beginning and the end, the dream, the hope and wish itself. If it is associated positively then it means fulfillment, completion, satisfaction, joy, wholeness, and success. If it is associated negatively then it means stagnation, lack of will, impatience, and delays.

These were only a few of the cards from the major arcana. As you see cards can have many different meanings in different circumstances. Fortune telling is a wonderful thing to learn and practice, you can help your self and also others to better their lives. Tarot cards meanings can reveal many secrets that you have probably never thought of.

Monday, February 22, 2010